3 Things I’m Glad That I Didn’t Do to My Body When I Was aTeenager

Looking back at my high school days through embarrassing pictures on my Facebook and Photobucket streams, I realized how silly my interests were. More so along the lines of the image that I wanted to project. 2004-2008 was all about this weird fascination with scene and emo culture. And yes, while I love hip-hop music and rap, for some reason, I found myself on the more rock heavy end of the spectrum. Below are some of the appearance choices that could have happen, that I am not glad didn’t.

  • Bleach or dye my hair – Boy, am I glad that I didn’t do this. Initially, I wanted that weird, burnt out and choppy hair cut with the bleached or red highlights. However, looking at the current status of my scalp, I think bleach or any form of dye would probably kill my hair. At 23, I have this strange feeling, more like fear, that my hairline is residing and I’m losing strands of hair.
  • Getting ear plugs – At one point, I really, really wanted to do this. A lot of guys were doing this and it became pretty acceptable. Not to mention, kind of cool to be rocking them. However, I think what peeves me most is now hearing about the strange smell that comes from your ears when they get stretched. This sounds scary.
  • Tattoos – Okay, I still want a tattoo. However, back then, my idea of a cool tattoo was completely different from what I want now. Initially I wanted some form of religious iconography and some phrase that a fashion blogger had. But thinking about this now, maybe holding off was a better idea. If I had gotten those tattoos, I’m pretty sure someone would mistake me for some weird Asian gang banger. Eek.

– Patrick

How great is it that of the three things you posted, I have done. To be honest, people say you shouldn’t have regrets in your life. While I don’t regret a lot of stupid things I have done most of my regrets usually lie in my appearance.

  • Piercings- I had a belly ring for about a week until I realized body piercings outside of the ear range were for sluts. Sure I was going through a Hollister-Seven Jeans phase which meant I was destined for a tongue ring and snake bites. However, logic settled in my head much sooner than some of my peers and I am ever grateful that I avoided those annoying scars.
  • Bleach my hair- Although I did sport some kind of red hue in my hair from 2006-2011, thank goodness I never touched my head with bleach. I can deal with my hair still catching that bit of maroon every once in a while in the sun but having hay for hair is where my high maintenance limit reaches.
  • Acrylic nails- I have had acrylic nails once in my life, last year to get those Rihanna kitty claw nails, even that only lasted about two weeks. After I finally melted those suckers off with acetone I was left with paper thin nails and sore nail beds. Nothing screams VALLEY GIRL like a shiny, French-tipped set of plastic nails. Interesting enough I’m 100% sure that no one in France rocks these mini torture tools, I’m even more sure they’re offended to have nails like that named after them.
